The Psoriasis Association of Singapore (PAS) is a non-profitable organisation formed in 1982 with the encouragement and support from the late Professor V.S.Rajan.

Since then, the Association is run by volunteers who are either Psoriasis patients or relatives of patient, professionals, nurses/staff and social workers from National Skin Centre. Doctors from National Skin Centre and from the private sectors are invited to be our Medical Consultants. The Association has also received much support from members of the dermatology profession and the Dermatology Society of Singapore.


President's Message

Support groups have always played a very important role in helping individuals cope with their problems or illnesses. How and why do support groups work? A support group is a gathering of individuals with a common disorder, who meet regularly to share their ideas and experiences and through this, help to provide one another with emotional support. One of the most important benefits gained in joining a support group is that you no longer feel alone or isolated as you are in the company of many others who are just like yourself. This often gives one a huge sense of relief. Through meeting others who have the same ailment and who have undergone the same hurts and frustrations, you will be able to relate to one another better and gain new insights into ways of coping with your condition. Often, people discover new solutions to their problems just by listening to the experiences of others. It also helps to develop inter-personal skills.

This year, our association is hoping to develop the psoriasis support group. We believe that there are many people out there who can benefit from joining our support group. We have able volunteers who are committed to the support group and I do believe that you will be encouraged and forge new friendships when you attend the regular meetings. strongly encourage you to join the association and the support group activities. Hopefully, you will benefit from this, or you may even be a pillar of support to those around you.

Take care and God bless.

Dr Colin Theng

Current office bearers (2024 / 2026)

  • Colin Binns

    Colin Binns

    Vice President

  • Edmund Lau

    Edmund Lau


  • David Lee

    Asst Secretary

  • Tan Yoke Choo

    Tan Yoke Choo


  • Alice Sin

    Alice Sin

    Asst Treasurer

  • Jesslyn Zheng


  • Law Lok Shing


  • Michael Pang

    Michael Pang


  • Franky Yap

    Franky Yap


  • Cassandra Loh

    Cassandra Loh


  • Siti Fatimah

    Siti Fatimah


  • Dr Koh Hong Yi

    Dr Koh Hong Yi


  • PAS Constitution 2022. Click the button below to view them

Item 1 of 2

Our Objective

PAS's objective to disseminate medical information and support to a group of members who are suffering from the chronic skin condition. It is an avenue for patients to meet to discuss and exchange ideas on how to cope on living with psoriasis. It aims to foster co-ordination and development of all activities in relation to psoriasis. And to promote the study of the causes and treatment of psoriasis and to disseminate medical information concerning psoriasis

Support Group

The Support Group exists to meet the social and emotional needs of patients afflicted with psoriasis who are receiving treatment at our Centre. It is an extended arm of the work of the Medical Social Work Department in that it helps to complement the one-to-one counselling approach of the MSWs. The group functions on a voluntary basis where it serves as a platform for discussion of psychosocial issues pertaining to psoriasis and for purposeful activities that will foster experiential learning of coping with psoriasis.